Chemical Labels

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About Chemical Labels

Labelservice specialise in the manufacturing and supply of high quality and cost effective chemical labels and is a leading supplier in the UK. From full colour chemical product labels, to hazardous diamonds, to CHIP and GHS blanks, we provide a single source solution for all chemical labelling.

We have a proven track record and expertise of manufacturing a wide range of chemical and hazardous labels that are compliant with both EC (“CLP”) Regulation No 1272/2008 and the United Nations GHS (Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling). We are also fully BS5609 compliant.

Our client list is growing everyday with clients who need labels in various industries, including adhesives and sealants, aerosols, agrochemical, automotive and car care, cleaners and degreasers, detergents and disinfectants, eco cleaners, lubricants, paints, urinal and washroom products and turf and garden care. This means we have to ensure that all our chemical labels are compliant with the latest industry standards and regulations for chemical labelling and hazardous labelling. The materials used in our chemical labels are treated in a special way to ensure that they can withstand exposure to extreme environmental conditions and corrosive substances. In addition, the use of digital label presses has given us the capacity to handle customised short and long runs without sacrificing quality, cost, and delivery time.

Range of UK Chemical Labels

The chemical labels market is split into two categories retail and industrial.

Chemical labels for the retail sector consist of four colour labels that go on products in store, for example products like de-icer or barbeque fluids. These general household products are in fact chemical products and many consumers would not consider then as such. For more information on labelling for retail products please visit our primary product labelling category.

Industrial chemical labels are for companies that need to ship products in boxes and those boxes need to have labels on the outside to warn against flammable contents. Also for shipping overseas the labels need to meet particular regulations. For more information here please contact us to discuss your requirements.

In addition to our core chemical labelling solutions, we also provide the following special labelling products:

  • Multi Page chemical labels
  • Concertina Labels
  • Chemicals Hazard Information and Packaging (CHIP) chemical labels
  • Tactile hazardous warning labels
  • Braille Labels

Warning and Hazard Labels

There are a number of different types of hazard warning labels depending on the criteria of the client. The hazard symbol labels which are orange and have various images on top are popular chemical labelling products. Warning diamond labels are distinctive in their diamond shape, tactile warning labels are an embossed triangle that sits over chemical labels that are used to help blind people interpret the hazard of the product content.

CHIP, GHS and COSHH Labels

Global Harmonised System, or GHS Labels, were designed by the United Nations to harmonise the classification of chemical products across the world to be globally recognizable. CHIP labels, or Chemical Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply Regulations, are also a type of label we can provide, along with COSHH labels (control of substances hazardous to health).

Multi Page Chemical Labels

Labelservice are also major suppliers of multi page labels for where space is an issue, either due to the amount of copy that is required, or because you supply products overseas and wish to have one SKU featuring multiple languages. We can supply chemical labels, booklets or concertina leaflets in long or short runs. Increasing in popularity are chemical peel and reveal labels: we can offer these in two or three ply constructions, with full colour digital print throughout.

Labelservices Printing Options

For product labeling, flexographic printing offers competitive pricing on large full colour product work, whilst digital printing gives a flexible solution for shorter run or multi sort work.

Our range of CHIP and GHS blank labels are available on sheets or rolls and on both paper and BS5609 approved synthetic materials and adhesives. We also supply from stock tactile warning triangle labels which are suitable for application by hand or machine. New development products include the ability to digitally print tactile triangles or Braille copy directly onto fully printed product labels.

Contact Us Today

Dont hesitate to contact us today if you need additional information about our labelling products for chemical manufacturers and suppliers. Meanwhile you can view our extensive range of UK Hazardous Warning CHIP Labels, Chemical GHS and COSHH Labels here. Choose from our online gallery of over 4,000 labels.