In Canada, alarm over sugar consumption within the general population has prompted a series of reforms aimed at redefining how and where sugar-related nutritional information appears on product packaging. Although advocates of new labelling claim that such measures will likely increase awareness within the general product and, thus, curb excessive sugar consumption within the general population, others believe that the solution to this issue lies outside of packaging-related solutions. For those who are seeking an answer to the sugar mystery outside of merely writing new packaging, one possible solution lies within the way that sugar consumption is perceived by the general public. For example, the nutritional labelling on a soda reveals that the amount of sugar in this particular beverage accounts for nearly 40% of the recommended daily sugar allowance. For many consumer, the idea that this beverage remains less than half of the overall daily hard limit makes it seem, on some level, not such a transgression. After all, more than 50% of the daily sugars needed have yet to be accounted for, right? Wrong. What these labels fail to mention is that the nutritional elements of a healthy daily diet, such as fruits, vegetables and grains, may also contain sugars which are unavoidable as part of a successful and recommended daily diet. Therefore, when consumers are attempting to eat a healthy diet in addition to the 40% sugar content they have already consumed, they will inevitably exceed their recommended daily allowance of sugar. Instead of counting percentage points, consumers must be made directly aware of the fact that some products are just inherently bad, no matter what percentage of a particular parameter they meet. Soft drinks contain virtually no nutritious worth, meaning that any calories or sugars inherent within this product will be completely without beneficial repercussions. Ultimately, these products are merely empty calories and meaningless sugar consumption. Consumers must be made aware of this particular side of the equation if any gains are to be made in the fight against diabetes and other sugar-related maladies. If this does not occur, no amount of labelling adjustments will lead to sustainable positive change. Advocacy groups are catching on to this idea, of course, and positive change is occurring, albeit at a slow pace. Hopefully, customers will become more educated as to what they are actually consuming, sooner rather than later. A definitive outcome of such efforts, however, remains to be seen.