If you are a startup business you may find that many label printers are less than enthusiastic about dealing with you. Unless you can promise thousands of pounds worth of orders straight away, then you will probably find that you are not exactly at the top of their priority list for competitive pricing, design advice or help with product selection.

Labelservice specializes in looking after the requirements of new, young or growing businesses.
We are attentive, friendly and patient, offering plain and jargon free advice.Â
It may be that you know exactly what you want in your mind’s eye, but are struggling to explain it. Or you may have a blank page and need to have several ideas pitched to you.
If you already have your label designed, our studio can review these for you and offer proactive advice on how to improve the look of your products.
Labelservice can offer free of charge samples, help with design, and competitive prices with no
MOQ’s. We can also offer to produce your artwork on many different materials for your review,
and we really do give you as much of our time as we would do our biggest customer.
We hope to be your label partner on your entire journey. In fact some of our best clients are businesses that we started looking after in their very early days, and whom have stayed with us as they have grown into successful established companies.
In short, as many of our customers will confirm, we will take the hassle out of ordering labels
and leave you more time to grow your business.