Never underestimate the value a well-thought out label can bring to your product and your brand. Your brand is the face ͛ of your products; it has an immediate effect on consumers. Will they remember or recognise your brand? Do your labels attract consumers? Does your l abelling reflect the quality and price point of your product? A successful packaging and branding strategy takes into consideration many t hings. Getting to know your competitors is one such strategy. You should know who they are, how big of the market they hold, and whether they are a more recognised brand than yours. Whether you choose to design a label that will attract attention or a label that speaks more to the price point, or value, of your product is something much thought must be placed. What makes your product worthy of a closer look when it ͛ s sitting on a shelf with your competitors ͛ products? Understanding your competition can be the key to a successful brandin g and labelling strategy. If you are considering highlighting the value of your product in your labels, remember that that does not necessarily mean that you are offering a lower-priced, lower-qualit y product. You want to attract consumers by defining the benefits and features of your products on the labels. This can define the brand, as well. The label needs to speak to th e benefits of your products over your competitors, as well as explain clearly to the consumer why you r product is worth the money to purchase it. A standout ͛ message or key words will help consumers target in on your product. If you label boldly states the key point of the produc t, consumers, looking for exactly that, will be drawn to it. Visuals can be helpful if the product is suc h that it has an end result. In the end, your label should speak to consumers about its ͛ value, what it can or will do, and what the results will look like. First impressions do matter and, often times, it is the label that seals the purchase. Ask yourself: is your label eye- ca tching? Are consumer questions answered via the label? Would you buy yo ur product, based on the label? Taking all of this into consideration, remember that a label, your label , wields most of the power to close a sale.