5 Points To Consider When Designing Your Label

When it comes to business, we all want to succeed, and if it involves selling a product then we want that product to be the most sought after item on the shelf. So what is the key to making your product more attractive to customers? Well, there are many things to consider other than just the contents within. 

1. Your customers / target audience
To sell your product, it needs to get noticed, there are a lot of elements to consider when designing your labels. Most importantly it needs to be striking in order to catch the eye of potential consumers. You will need to consider your colour scheme carefully, so look at other similar products already on the market and try to make yours as unique as possible. The colours will need to complement your chosen label material which will most likely be one of the following: white, clear or cream textured paper, try not use any colours that may clash with either a coloured container or indeed the product itself, should it be in a clear container.    

2. Keep it Simple
Think about keeping your design as simple and yet striking as you can, steer clear of making it too fussy as this will likely cause shoppers to overlook your product. 

3. Do your Homework
Do some research on other similar products and take a closer look into the ones that have the highest sales. Try and work out why a particular product is selling so successfully and then use this to your advantage. 

4. Communicate
Ask people within the marketing industry why they believe certain products sell better than others. If necessary, you could even approach customers directly to find out what draws them to particular items. Ask them what a new rival product would need to have in order to become their new favoured product. 

5. Be Bold
Consider the graphics and readability of your label, make it as attractive and eye catching as you can. Be brave with your font, try something new but make sure it’s still easy to read! Think about the size and shape of the label too, decide whether a wrap around label or a separate front and back could also make your product more enticing.

Finally, be sure to include your contact information on the reverse of your product so your satisfied customers can leave any feedback.